Sunday, 20 March 2016

Thursday, 17 March 2016

Evaluation Question 1

1. In what ways does your media products use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?


Tuesday, 15 March 2016

DPS Layout

This is my DPS layout:

DPS Image Decisions

This is my image decision post for my DPS:

I picked this image because I liked the pose my model was in. I decided not to use props or mise-en-scene because I didn't think it would have added anything to the image. I liked the fact that the image wasn't taken from face on but was taken at a birds eye view. I think that this made the image stand out to me to be picked. My model is looking at the camera because this is a common convention among Pop magazines.

These are some other images that I was considering: 

Model Consent Forms

DPS Links to Cover/Contents

These are the links between my Front Cover, Contents Page and DPS:

Interview Research

This Wideo is showing the research I did on interviews:

Monday, 14 March 2016

DPS Image Choices

This is the image I chose for my DPS and why:

This is the image I decided to use for my double page spread. I used this image because it made a link to the front cover as my artist is wearing the same jumper and lipstick. I didn't use mis-en-scene as I didn't think it would fit into a Pop magazine.

The image was taken in the a studio at school by me and the model is lying on the floor. I think this is effective because I think it adds another level to the image as she is low down and the camera was at a birds eye view.

I used as much light as I could because Pop magazines tend to be bright and colourful. However, I also used Photoshop to brighten this image up as well. I angle of gaze is at the camera as I found that this was a common convention with Pop magazines.

Artist Interview

This is the final, edited version of my interview that is on my double page spread. Before writing this I used other Pop double page spreads to get inspiration for the questions and answers.

Hello. So your new album is out now, what was the inspiration for this album?
I was in a bad place ten months ago. When I was writing the songs it felt like a weight was being lifted off me and this album definitely shows that. The album was a way to get over everything that had happened and has been a fresh start. I want my fans to want to be who they are and not want to change anything about themselves. I wanted to reach out to fans that are in a similar place and I think this album reflects this.

Which songs do you like the best on the album?
I think that all the songs are meaningful but there are four songs that I think are better than the others. The Lonely Heart is an obvious one as that is the album’s name and I remember this song took me just two hours to write. I played the song for my producer and he just said ‘that’s number one’. I think that Good Girl, Bad Boy will be relatable to many women and I just love when I really reach my fans in a personal way. The last two songs are about making a new start and moving on. These two are close to my heart as I have done these things now.

So talking about moving on, I hear you are in a new relationship, is this true?
Yes. This is very true but it has only been going on for five months so it is still very new to me and him. Logan and I are just taking it slow so we are still getting to know each other. We are living life in the moment and with each other.

Do you find it hard to spend time with each other as you are both so busy most of the time?
Well... Logan is filming at the moment for his TV show and I am in the studio most of the time but we are fortunate because the studio and set are very close. We both make time to see each other as often as we can even if it is just an hour at lunch.

It was your birthday recently, what did you do for it?
 It was a really great day. Logan planned a very cute surprise. He planned for us and loads of our friends to go to Disneyland. He knew that I had always wanted to go when I was a child but never could. He is so cute and I have a lot to live up to when it comes to his birthday this year.

That’s so cute. Who would you like to work with in the future?
I would really like to work with Taylor Swift. I think she is very much about girl power and that is something I feel strongly about. I also would love to work with Adele as she has such a strong voice and very powerful lyrics. On the next album I’d love to collaborate with artists that aren’t in my genre as I think that this would be an interesting mix.

We look forward to hearing them! How have your friends and family responded to you becoming famous so fast?
My mum has always been very supportive and when I got signed she told everyone and threw me a celebratory party. My friends are still in shock especially when we go out for drinks or dinner and fans come running up to me asking for selfies and autographs. Some of my friends even get asked for theirs and they find this a little weird.

What is the weirdest thing a fan has asked you to do?
I have been asked to sign fans foreheads and arms etc. One fan asked me to sign his neck and then he went and got it tattooed. He came back two hours later to the signing I was doing and showed me. I haven’t really had any weird fans. My fans are so kind and loving; I’m always being given gifts at signings and without them I probably wouldn’t have made it this far. They are so supportive.

That’s good to hear! So you were talking about signings, will there be a tour in the near future?
I have been thinking about it and talking to my manager. I will be doing a couple of small local shows but I definitely think there will be one in the near future. I love performing for big crowds as I get a adrenaline rush from it. I love it when the crowd sings along and joins in.

That’s a shame. Here at Pop Queen we love a celebrity pet, do you have any?
Yes. I have four dogs. I have two huskies and two daschunds. They are all puppies and so adorable. The huskies are called Bailey and Holly and the daschunds are Simon and Sam. They are all so cute.

Front Cover Features

The first feature is on the top right. The feature says " Inside:" and then underneath mentions five artists from my genre. I think that this fits my genre because I have included names of artists that are specifically from my genre.

The second feature is 'Adele' on the middle left. This will have a tiny bit of smaller text underneath explaining what 'Adele' will contain. I have put this in the same font as 'Inside' because it shows that they are all important features of the magazines.

The third feature is 'Taylor Swift' and underneath that '2016 is going to be a big year for POP!'. This is another feature like Adele where I have given a article name and a little information about what the article is about. I will have more of these on the front cover.

The last feature that is currently on the front cover at the moment is the black strip at the bottom. Here I will have five posters of five male pop stars. I have added this feature because most of the pop music magazines I used for my research had a strip of special posters that were included inside.

The above image is my finished front cover.

I have changed the black bar in the original photo to a smaller yellow bar. This is because when I added in one of the poster pictures it didn't look as good as I had hoped it would and so I had a look at a couple of Pop magazines and noticed that some of them had a strip of words like I have done. They used one of their main colours, black and white. I think this adds to my front cover as it gives the reader a taste of whats inside without giving too much away.

I have also changed the angle of Ruby Ria. I think that this need to happen as I think it adds something different to the cover as all the other features are straight. I have also added in a pull quote at the same angle as Ruby Ria saying "I've been asked to sign fans foreheads." I added in this because I wanted to draw my target audience in. 

I have also added in the four more features. They are "Rihanna, Zara Larson, Adele and Katy Perry." I used these people because they are all pop stars. I have used word play in Adele and Rihanna by using their song titles in the description. 

Wednesday, 2 March 2016

Contents Page Feedback

These are some of the comments I got back from my target audience about my contents page: